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CHNSpec Technology (Zhejiang)Co.,Ltd 86--13732210605

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Company News About Benchtop Spectrophotometer of CS-820N for metal button Color Measurement

Benchtop Spectrophotometer of CS-820N for metal button Color Measurement

Latest company news about Benchtop Spectrophotometer of CS-820N for metal button Color Measurement




Recently, we receive a custom inquiry for measuring metal button color. We separately measured the following two samples as target sample and sample to compare the LAB value.





Today we will introduce how to measure it with Benchtop spectrophotometer CS-820N.

It has 4 kinds of test calibers, we chose 6mm aperture size to measure the metal buttons.







Test Condition

1. Mode: Reflectance

2. Light Source: D65

3. Parameters need to Measure: CIE L*a*b, ΔE*ab



Test Method

  1. One sample measure one same point to get the test result


    The following are the test results for all 2 samples


Sample Name




Target sample





Color difference



Test result

L 65.15 65.03

dL*=-0.11 Pass


a 1.28 1.10 da*=-0.18 Pass
b 8.37 8.51

db*=0.14 Pass


Total result


0.26 Pass




Benchtop spectrophotometer with large aperture 25.4mm is very suitable to measure metal materials. Instrument repeatability and precision are both very good. If any similar project inquiry, you are welcome to contact us for more details. We will help to recommend the most suitable instrument for customers.

Spectrophotometer for metal material Color Measurement


Contacts: Mrs. CHNSpec
Fax: 86--13732210605
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